Isaac loves working with his Dad outside. He's so cute, today Travis was explaining to him in detail how the engine in the truck works and Isaac sat and listened to every word and wanted to know more.
April 2, 2011 Sophie asked me to get her some popcorn and turn on a WordWorld episode for her, so I tell okay, I guess. Then as I'm doing it for her she says " Mom, you're the best Mom in the whole wide World and I'm going to live with you forever and ever and ever so you can always fix all my problems and clean up after me -k-." Febuary 16, 2011 Sophie was pretending to have a pool party and wearing her swimsuit when she runs out and says.... Sophie: Mom it's so hot out here I'm pretty sure it's because the high humidity. Febuary 18, 2011 Me: Go watch TV while I make you breakfast. Sophie: I can't watch TV cause I'm a lady and ladies have to make lunch and work hard to clean, so I can't watch TV OKAY! March 2, 2011 This morning Isaac was bugging me for a bottle, yes he's two and I still let him have a bottle I'm a horrible mother I know. Isaac: Mom I want a bottle. Me: You don't need a bottle, aren't you a big boy? Isaac: No, I just a boy. Naturaly I thought it was way to cute so I had no choice but the give the boy his bottle.
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